Archil Durglishvili
Young scientist of the institute is participating in the ATLAS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN since 2013, where he is involved in the search for "new physics".
Tamar Zakareishvili
Gogita Papalashvili
About us

Nodar Amaglobeli High Energy Physics Institute

10, G. Danelia str., 0186 Tbilisi, Georgia.

The High Energy Physics Scientific-Research Institute of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State Uni­ver­sity (HEPI-TSU) is a scientific-academic ins­ti­tution.

News in particle physics
Positive muons accelerated, ‘tamed’ for the first time using controlled beam

Scientists at J-PARC have successfully accelerated muons for the first time, overcoming their short lifespan and erratic behavior.

27 Oct 2024

Physicist Rohini Godbole passes away

Padma Shri recipient and pioneer of particle physics in India, Prof. Rohini Godbole, passes away, leaving behind a legacy.

25 Oct 2024

Texas A&M physicist Kevin Kelly earns American Physical Society Early Career Award

Dr. Kevin Kelly has been recognized with the APS’s 2025 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics for his work on neutrino and dark matter physics.

23 Oct 2024

💥 Particles: this ultra-rare decay could upset physics

The decay of a charged kaon into a pion and neutrinos is intriguing scientists. This exceedingly rare process could open a new door to unknown physical phenomena. The NA62 experiment is at the heart ...

25 Oct 2024

Saturday Citations: Reading comprehension; revisiting tardigrade orthodoxy; restoring universal symmetry

This week, physicists suggested that quantum entanglement may be really, really fast rather than instantaneous, and could be measured at an attosecond scale. Paleontologists discovered a fossilized ...

26 Oct 2024

After Decades of Searching, Are Physicists Closing In on Dark Matter?

The universe is made up of much more than meets the eye. While telescopes reveal countless galaxies, each containing billions of stars, physicists and astronomers believe that visible matter is just ...

25 Oct 2024

Renowned physicist & women in science champion Professor Rohini Godbole passes away

The scientific community mourns the loss of Professor Rohini Godbole, a distinguished physicist and advocate for women in science, who passed away at the age of 72. Known for her contributions to ...

25 Oct 2024

Renowned physicist and gender equity proponent, Rohini Godbole dies at 71

She was best known for her work with CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research that hosts the world’s biggest atom-smasher, the Large Hadron Collider ...

25 Oct 2024

The Importance of Physics to Society

In this article, we'll explore some of the importance of physics and the ways it impacts you and shapes the society we live in.

23 Oct 2024

Kennesaw State transfer student takes advantage of opportunities in physics

The word is out about Kennesaw State University’s Department of Physics, and Matthew Garwacke heard it loud and clear. The junior physics major transferred to KSU last year for the opportunity to ...

25 Oct 2024

What is the Smallest Thing in the World?

Prepare to delve into the fascinating world of quantum mechanics and particle physics as you uncover the answer to one of science's most intriguing questions: What truly is the smallest thing in the ...

24 Oct 2024

juelich research center
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